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“I will lay down my life so my children have freedom, but I will not lay down their freedom so I can have a life.”Tonchi Weaver
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The 2022 South Dakota Republican State Convention: An Undocumented Report
Amendment C
Claims that Amendment C endangers democracy are correct if we understand democracy as two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner. But South Dakota is a Republic where we live under the rule of law, not simple majority rule. Our founders put in place safeguards to protect individuals from the ‘tyranny of the majority’. The arbitrary taking by force of law of the fruit of one’s labor (taxation) is a form of tyranny, and thus should be made more difficult to do. Amendment C affects only ballot measures that create or increase taxes or fees. It does not apply to every future ballot measure.
Of all the ballot measures decided since the year 2000, I found only one such measure, Initiated Measure 2 in 2006. That ballot measure raised taxes on tobacco products and received over 60% of the vote. That disproves the argument that reaching 60% is impossible. A 60% threshold is still a lower standard than the 66.7% (two-thirds) majority required of our state representatives to pass legislation that creates or raises a tax or fee.
Amendment C is a reasonable constraint that makes the people more accountable to each other. PLEASE VOTE YES.
Tonchi Weaver
SD Citizens for Liberty
Rapid City, SD