Individual liberty, small government, low taxes and fiscal responsibility.

Monday Morning Favorite Quote, 7012024…
Full debate for Trump vs. Biden…
We just witnessed the end of Joe Biden’s presidency…
Dude pushes ‘reorder’ button on groceries…
Pipeline referendum overcomes signature deadline confusion…
Surgeon general calls guns a public health threat in new advisory…
Homicide near Cornerstone Rescue Mission…
Monday Morning Favorite Quote, 6242024…
Minnehaha auditor plans recount of two elections…
Explaining the lawsuit against SD abortion-rights ballot measure…
Interest on the Federal Debt now exceeds $1 Trillion each year…
Ballot Chasing, Ballot Harvesting, and Vote Banking…
Fingerprints of Fraud – The Movie…
PROOF at Long Last of VOTE Manipulation in SOUTH DAKOTA!…
Historic Moment? What do the Polls say…
Fraud ridden election apparatus in SD…
Turning Point Action Conference 2024 Day 2…
Election results bring support to ending South Dakota’s closed primaries…
Monday Morning Favorite Quote, 6172024…
Turning Point Action Conference 2024 Day 1…
Help someone register to vote…
South Dakota Auditor Does NOT Rule Out CIA…
2024 Electoral College: South Dakota (3 Electoral Votes)…
Pennington County Delegates to the National RNC Convention…
A Great Week for Grassroots Conservatives in South Dakota…
Dominion Voting Systems Under Scrutiny…
Captain Seth Keshel – Minnehaha County South Dakota 5-15-24…
Several candidates of the recent primary election are contesting their races…
Top 10 Things Democrat Politicians Are Guilty of Doing That They’re Accusing Trump of …
Senate Leader Post; Will Americans Be Stuck With Another RINO?…
Contentious Board of Elections Meeting…
Nancy Pelosi admits she was responsible for security…
Rejected ballots test 30-day residency requirement…
Fiegen, Engelhart win marquee matchups at state GOP convention…
18 year-old murdered in Memorial Park…
Former lawmaker, judge to head pro-abortion rights advocacy group…
Pennington County Voter Turnout 16.79%…
South Dakota Secretary of State Election Results…
New landscape confronts South Dakota Republicans…
Low-turnout primary spark thoughts…
Strong support and opposition evident at Rapid City Vision Fund meeting…
Pipeline opponent among newcomers headed to legislature…
Hughes County Commission Approves Canvass Of Primary Votes; Prepares For First Post-Election Audit…
Open Primaries on the November Ballot…
Noem popularity slips in latest South Dakota Newswatch poll…
Key takeaways from SD primary…
SD’s first propane-powered public buses…
Incumbent Republican legislators suffer losses…
Voters reject machine-counting ban in all three counties…
School choice programs have been wildly successful…
Primary voters punish pipeline supporters in wave of defeats…
Christians Today Must ‘Wake Up’ and Speak the Truth…
NewsCenter1 Primary Election results…
Election results guarantee overhaul of South Dakota Legislature…
KELOLAND Primary Election Results…
KOTATV Primary Election Results…
2024 SOUTH DAKOTA Primary Election JUNE 4…
Absentee ballots challenged in Minnehaha County…
Patriots are turning the lights on!!…
Cannabis legalization makes it on another South Dakota ballot…
South Dakota Republican resolution supporting President Donald J. Trump…
Travis Ismay for HD 28B Conservative
Heather Baxter Announces Candidacy for South Dakota District 34 House…
Black Hills State moving forward with plans for civics center…
South Dakota’s top attorney joins chorus of elected officials condemning Trump verdict…
Monday Morning Favorite Quote, 6032024…
Curt Voight for Senate 33 Christian, Conservative
What would an open primary in SD look like?…
Donna Moore RCAS Area 1 School Board, Conservative, christian
Tony Randolph, Representative South Dakota District 35 100%
How to Stop the Border Crisis…
What in the World is Monae Johnson Doing?…
Research the School Board candidates…
John Carley, District 29 Senate Conservative
European Banks Begin Switching to ‘Digital Cash’ to Fight ‘Climate Change’…
Tony Randolph, Representative South Dakota District 35 100%
Monday Morning Favorite Quote, 5272024…
Rounds has expressed that he has no intention of attending GOP Convention….
Meet the Candidate: Taffy Howard…
Sen. Rick Scott says he’ll run to be next Senate Republican leader…
District 29 Senate Candidates…
Kate Thomas for RCAS Area 7 School Board… Proven Conservative
Phil Jensen for District 33 House 100%
Biden’s FBI authorized the use of deadly force during their raid on Mar-a-Lago…
Which Candidates Prioritize Election Security?…
SDSOS Orders Ballot Image Capture OFF!…
Mexican national with multiple deportations, DUI convictions…
Scott Odenbach State House District 31 86.4%
We need to stop pretending that the “Church of Nice” is a winning proposition…
Monday Morning Favorite Quote, 5202024…
Tom Pischke, District 25 Senate 90.5%
Harriet Hageman blows up democrat Dan Goldman….
Ohio purges ‘non-citizens’ from state voter rolls…
Anti-abortion amendment group says no illegal activity…
Food tax cut makes South Dakota ballot…
Man in Jan. 6 activity is arrested in Rapid City…
Matthew Monfore for South Dakota…
The South Dakota Secretary of State order to turn off saving the ballot images is AGAINST THE LAW….
Populism is the voice of the voiceless…
Anyone—even an illegal alien or other non-citizen—can register to vote in federal elections…
Open primaries, cannabis legalization efforts beat signature deadline…
Monday Morning Favorite Quote, 5132024…
Karla Lems Announces Re-election Bid for District 16 House… 95.2%
Josephine Garcia District 5 House Candidate, is a pipeline opponent….
MOMS for LIBERTY School Board Candidates Forum…
Representative Bethany Soye to seek re-election to District 9 House… 90.9%
South Dakota Housing launches homebuying assistance program…
Donna Moore RCAS Area 1 School Board…
South Dakota’s State Delegates to the National Republican Convention in July…
Monday Morning Favorite Quote, 5062024…
Tilly Houghton Precinct 1-3 Committeewoman, Conservative…
On Being a Precinct Committee Member candidate…
Thomas M. Houghton II for Precinct 1-3 Committeeman, Conservative…
Patriot Ripple Effect Endorses Kristie Fiegen for South Dakota PUC…
How much does it cost to hand count?…
Awesome moment at UNC as the American flag is restored….
Anti-abortion group to challenge ‘Restore Roe’ campaign…
Housing study shows income not keeping up with home prices…
Aaron Aylward Announces Re-election campaign for District 6 House… 95.0%
South Dakota College Democrats: We stand with Palestine campus protestors…
SD Citizens for Liberty meeting will be Thursday, May 2nd at the Canyon Lake Activity Center!…
Birthrates in the U.S. hit historic low…
33 Patriots reap the fruit of your generosity!…
1 in 5 Mail-In Ballots Last Presidential Election Were Fraudulent…
Monday Morning Favorite Quote, 4292024…
Rounds voted on foreign aid package…
Black Hills homeschool mom tapped to lead pro-voucher lobby…
Thune votes For 97 Billion Dollar Aid Package…
Hundreds of South Dakotans are running for Legislature. Here’s the list…
The Fingerprints of Fraud, Election…
Aberdeen city council adopts new community flag…
A Prominent Symbol Of Islam Is Suddenly Flying Across The Nation…

Weifenbach runs for Dist. 2 County Commission seat…
Democrats Wave Ukrainian Flags after Dusty Johnson votes to Pass Aid Bill…
The problem with open primaries…
The Motion to Vacate is a waste of time. We need to change the rules….
A list of the 101 House Republicans who approved another $60 billion to Ukraine….
Monday Morning Favorite Quote, 4222024…
Trashing the Constitution on Impeachment…
Dakota First’s mission is to support and elect bold conservative Republicans…
Julie Frye-Mueller, District 30 Senate 100%
“If you do not show up there will be an arrest.”…
Monday Morning Favorite Quote, 4142024…
South Dakota lawmakers won’t be barred from modifying voter-backed laws…
I will never give up my guns. Never. Never!”…
Johnson votes against Conservatives to renew FISA spy program…
Rep. Harriet Hageman, R-Wyo., if the Senate doesn’t hold an impeachment trial…
‘Nebraska can pick the next president.’…
Noem calls Trump’s abortion statement ‘exactly right’…
Stop the Computers, Figure Out the Win and then Report…
There’s Nothing New Under the Sun: Child Sacrifice Never Stopped…
Trump, Abortion a States Issue…
How the Democratic Party Really Got its Name…
Compassionately Communicating Life…
All the Dirty Details: Part 1…
Launched a signature withdrawal campaign…
Ruling sinks lawsuit over voting records…
Gov. Pillen needs to call a special session…
Monday Morning Favorite Quote, 4082024…
Praying Grandma Gets Arrested, Donate to Restoring Godly Culture.
What are Your Feelings About Abortion?…
There is a very clear path to make Nebraska “winner-take-all…
We the People Want Our Elections Back…
Nebraska’s unicameral legislature now has a filibuster proof Republican majority…
Deny Biden a crucial electoral vote…
November 5th is Christian Visibility Day…
David Clements WITH Guests Clay Parikh and Jessica Pollema…
To refer SB201 to the voters on the November ballot, we need to gather 17,508 signatures…
McPherson County Commission rejects petition seeking hand-counting of ballots…
Liberty Pilot, Races Per District…
Executing a high-risk search warrant for drugs…
Denver was just caught begging illegals to leave the city…
RINOs Attempting To Sabotage President Trump’s Re-Election With Retirements…
Monday Morning Favorite Quote, 4012024…
John 20 | He Is Risen | The Bible…
Donna Moore RCAS Area 1 School Board…
Rapid City Schools announce candidates for Board Election…
RCAS Board of Education election deadline for filing approaching…
Anyone Who Can’t Recognize Flaws In 2020 Is Unfit…
Attend Bible Classes during school hours…
Legislation to End the Squatters Scam in Florida…
Convert from Democrat to Republican…
Congressional Age Limits Proposed…
Montana Supreme Court declares 2021 voting laws unconstitutional…
Who Actually Runs The Government…
Senator Julie Frye Mueller “Resolution to Senate Members”…
Senator Rounds declined to endorse Trump…
Erica Douglas: A Fresh Perspective for Lawrence County Commission…
Do You Understand the Electoral College?…
Get rid of every Senator that has been there longer than 10 years…
Potential seizure of Trump Tower…
Most Obvious Voter Fraud Operation Since 2020…
Stop Trump From ‘Stealing the Election’…
Trillion Dollar Bill: Here Are GOP Who Voted for It…
Step 5: Trump removed from 2024 ballot, supported by 9-0 Supreme Court..
Johnson Votes Against His Majority Party and With Dems…
Monday Morning Favorite Quote, 3252024…
Thune, Rounds YEA on mini-bus, mini bust bill…
Dusty Johnson votes YEA for $1.2 Trillion Pork Spending Bill…

Rick Weible Election Integrity at Brooking County Commission…
Heather Baxter Announces Candidacy for South Dakota District 34 House…
Noem signs all 233 bills on her desk…
Support Poltical Prisoner Peter Navaro purchase The New MAGA Deal,…
RCPD investigating shooting on E St. Patrick St…
County Commission takes action on fairgrounds gun policy…
Pipeline would join teacher bonuses, smoking bans, abortion…
The Democrat Open Border Plan…
Pennington County delegate selection for the National Republican Convention…
Noem signs bill allowing the withdrawal of signatures from petitions…
Unemployment claims in South Dakota increased…
Monday Morning Favorite Quote, 3182024…
An Argument for Machine Free Counties…
Form of precinct committeeman or committeewoman…
Matt Smith RUNNING For SD House District 30…
Matthew Monfore Running For District 30 State Rep…
Chris Sanders for Congress Platform…
Trump Delivers Remarks At “Get Out The Vote Rally” In Rome, Georgia…
Monday Morning Favorite Quote, 3102024…
GOP Rep. Matt Rosendale drops re-election bid in Montana…
Legislative Action Red Alerts…
Call & text the members to vote NO ON SB201…
Federal Debt Is up $100 Billion in Just 4 Days…
Former House lawmaker, congressional candidate wants to return to Pierre…
Taffy Howard Announces District 34 Senate Candidacy… 90.9%
Conservative South Dakota Senator kicked out of South Dakota House…
Dominion Voting Machine and Changing Vote Totals…
We now have 100% Scientific Proof why the Jabbed are Dying Suddenly…
Talking about immigration in the 1995 State of the Union…
Thune endorsement don’t move needle for rest of delegation…
America’s Destiny, Dr. David Regan…
Monday Morning Favorite Quote, 3042024…
Stop Playing Legislative Games…
Thune, Round, yes on the stopgap bill…
Taking The Use of Computerized Voting Machines to a Vote off the People…
Are Electronic Voting Machines Safe?…
Tune into Frankspeech, Jessica Pollema will be sharing more on HB1140…
HOG HOUSED BILL HB 1140 – attempting to stop hand count petitions…
Thune in Talks to Be Next GOP Senate Leader…
Bob Good U.S. House Freedom Caucus…
Is This the Real Ukraine Story?…
A Successful Hand Count Demo Accomplished!…
Monday Morning Favorite Quote, 2262024…

Will your Legislator stand strong to protect your rights?…
Seal the Border. Deport all the Illegals…
The Man Who Could’ve Been on Rushmore…
Stop Government Property Seizure…
Man Charged In Woman’s Murder…
Authorities Identify Woman Fatally Shot On RC Street…
Sturgis voters to decide form of government April 9…
Swapping Property Tax For Sales Tax …
Mike Lindell Live From CPAC Joined by Jessica Pollema…
Green New Deal has come to South Dakota…
House passes bill that would allow removal of signatures from initiated measure petitions…
Gov. Kristi Noem on Donald Trump’s VP shortlist…
Controversial bid to defang political party delegates heads to House…
Rhode Island teacher says DHS ‘media literacy’ program targets conservatives…
Contact your state senators immediately to oppose SB13 as amended…
Fall River County Commission voted to return to hand counting the 2024 Primary election…
Reflections on the State Central Committee Meeting…
Toby Doeden is announcing a shift in focus: rather than running against Dusty Johnson…
Rosendale drops Montana Senate bid…
Monday Morning Favorite Quote, 2192024…
An Amendment (SB213) for Access to Cast Vote Records…
What is HB1199 about…
Ask Your Representative (605 773-3851) to Vote YES to Put HB1199 on the Calendar..

Senate President Pro Tempore Lee Schoenbeck – yet again – limit the number of statewide candidates…
Noem makes appointment to District 35 Senate seat…
Bill aimed at regulating drag performances heads to Senate committee…
Here are the Senate Republicans (THUNE, ROUNDS)who voted for the Ukraine package…
Former House lawmaker (Conzet) appointed to same chamber… 33.3%
Warns More Red Flags than 9/11…
Mexican drug cartel targets Native American reservations with fentanyl…
Dusty please quit voting to spend our money. National Debt will be $46 Trillion in four years.
Tim Sheehy in Montana Senate race over Freedom Caucus Rep. Matt Rosendale…
Monday Morning Favorite Quote, 2122024…
Trump likely won the 2020 election…
Getting Involved In Republican Primaries Is The Best Way To Weed Out The GOP…
Senate GOP (Thune, Rounds)helps advance borderless foreign aid bill…
South Dakota’s top abortion rights advocate squares off with hostile Republicans…
Tell the House State Affairs Committee to vote NO on HB 1198!…
Pennington County Commission will be discussing the “gun free zone,”…
A Secret Illegal Immigrant Housing Operation to Populate The US…
House members say its “dead on arrival”…
SD Senate kills bill to roll back property taxes…
HB1163 Allows Digital Currency & Government Intrusion…
Hageman Wants To Impeach Homeland Security Chief…
Monday Morning Favorite Quote, 2052024…
2024 Primary Election Candidate List…
64 Times Biden Undermined Border Security…
SB17 Reverses 2023 Residency Requirements:…
Mexican cartels are operating in South Dakota…
Did You Know Election Workers are Paid?…
Eliminate Paid Petition Circulators…
Interactive 2024 Election Map, must have Georgia, Wisconsin and Arizona…
Gov. Kristi Noem requests joint legislative session to address border crisis…
Monday Morning Favorite Quote, 1292024…
Kristi Noem in Texas as standoff between state, federal government heats up…
Ominous Warning from Illegal Border Crosser…
Contact Senate Leadership and demand restoration to the representation in District 30…
SB 48 – An Act to Provide Disclosure of a Cast Vote Record…
Illegal immigrant, companion found guilty…
TNT Tuesday Navigating Politics, Legislation, and Societal Challenges…
Bill targeting drag shows on public campuses defeated…
Effort to open controversial election records to public fails…
Senators spare marijuana card clinics…
Is the Constitution relevant today?…
Monday Morning Favorite Quote, 1222024…
How each senator voted on stopgap bill…
Precinct Committee People Represent Their Constituents…
Homeowner association residents could keep firearms…
Collection of Proposed Bills Concerning Marijuana in SD…
South Dakota Republicans attempt to change candidate nomination process…
Up against a wall of grassroots opposition in their own party…
Governor Noem appoints Becky Drury to fill District 34, 28..6%
Interview: Representative Scott Odenbach…
House Joint Resolution 5001 would clutter the November ballot…
Donald J Trump wins Iowa Caucus…
Iowa Voters Do Not Believe Bribery Biden Won in 2020, 68%…
2024 GOP primary endorsements: Where they stand…
Monday Morning Favorite Quote, 1152024…
Education committee dismisses school safety bill, cites cost as primary concern…
Trent Staggs for U.S. Senate, Utah…
TNT Tuesday with Taffy Howard and Tonchi Weaver…
Toby Doeden is a strong conservative who will fight for South Dakota…
Leah Anderson, Minnehaha County Auditor…
Representative Bethany Soye to seek re-election to District 9 House…
Ray Epps, gets a year of probation…
New charter school oversight commission officially got its start this week…
South Dakota releases new data on effectiveness, Freedom Works…
SD Supreme Court sought for advisory opinion on “conflicts of interest”…
5 men shipped pounds of cocaine to South Dakota…
South Dakota judges faced credible threats recently…
Barrasso First In Senate Leadership To Endorse Trump…
Wyoming Rep. To Introduce “What Is A Woman” Act; Defines People’s Sex By Biology At Birth…
Nisland City Council Does the Will of the People & Won’t Allow A Marijuana Grow Farm…
Butte County Commission Chair James Ager Chooses to Not Pray Before Meetings…
Noem 2024 State of the State Address…
Technical education center in Spearfish nears completion…
Open primaries in South Dakota has early support: Poll…
Toby Doeden, Aberdeen businessman to mount bid for Congress…
Monday Morning Favorite Quote, 1082024…
Can a terrorist cross the border illegally?…
Judge Tosses Wyoming Attorney’s Attempt To Keep Trump Off Ballot…
Supreme Court won’t force Senate to put South Dakota lawmaker back on committees…
South Dakota Legislature 2024 Bills…
President Trump Releases Summary of Election Fraud in the 2020 …
Senator petitions S.D. Supreme Court to have full Senate privileges restored…
When Biden Declared War on MAGA Republicans…
Methodist Church has branded the terms husband and wife offensive…